
Concatenate datasets to a single array store

In the previous notebooks, we’ve seen how to incrementally create a collection of scRNA-seq datasets and train models on it.

Sometimes we want to concatenate all datasets into one big array to speed up ad-hoc queries for slices for arbitrary metadata (see this blog post). This is what CELLxGENE does to create Census: a number of .h5ad files are concatenated to give rise to a single tiledbsoma array store (CELLxGENE: scRNA-seq).


This notebook shows how lamindb can be used with tiledbsoma append mode, also expained in the tiledbsoma documentation.

import lamindb as ln
import pandas as pd
import scanpy as sc
from functools import reduce
→ connected lamindb: testuser1/test-scrna
ln.context.uid = "oJN8WmVrxI8m0000"
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→ notebook imports: lamindb==0.76.2 pandas==2.2.2 scanpy==1.10.2 tiledbsoma==1.13.1
→ created Transform('oJN8WmVrxI8m0000') & created Run('2024-08-28 16:09:58.343479+00:00')

Query the collection of h5ad files that we’d like to convert into a single array.

collection = ln.Collection.get(
    name="My versioned scRNA-seq collection", version="2"
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Collection(uid='GADJXgAxQnlJ5fuc0001', version='2', is_latest=True, name='My versioned scRNA-seq collection', hash='dBJLoG6NFZ8WwlWqnfyFdQ', visibility=1, updated_at='2024-08-28 16:09:22 UTC')
    .created_by = 'testuser1'
    .transform = 'Standardize and append a batch of data'
    .run = '2024-08-28 16:08:59 UTC'
    .input_of_runs = ["'2024-08-28 16:09:33 UTC'", "'2024-08-28 16:09:51 UTC'"]
  Feature sets
    'var' = 'MIR1302-2HG', 'FAM138A', 'OR4F5', 'None', 'OR4F29', 'OR4F16', 'LINC01409', 'FAM87B', 'LINC01128', 'LINC00115', 'FAM41C'
    'obs' = 'donor', 'tissue', 'cell_type', 'assay'

Prepare the AnnData objects

We need to prepare theAnnData objects in the collection to be concatenated into one tiledbsoma.Experiment. They need to have the same .var and .obs columns, .uns and .obsp should be removed.

adatas = [artifact.load() for artifact in collection.ordered_artifacts]

Compute the intersetion of all columns. All AnnData objects should have the same columns in their .obs, .var, .raw.var to be ingested into one tiledbsoma.Experiment.

obs_columns = reduce(pd.Index.intersection, [adata.obs.columns for adata in adatas])
var_columns = reduce(pd.Index.intersection, [adata.var.columns for adata in adatas])
var_raw_columns = reduce(pd.Index.intersection, [adata.raw.var.columns for adata in adatas])

Prepare the AnnData objects for concatenation. Prepare id fields, sanitize index names, intersect columns, drop slots. Here we have to drop .obsp, .uns and also columns from the dataframes that are not in the intersections obtained above, otherwise the ingestion will fail. We will need to provide obs and var names in, so we create these fileds (obs_id, var_id) from the dataframe indices.

for i, adata in enumerate(adatas):
    del adata.obsp
    del adata.uns
    adata.obs = adata.obs.filter(obs_columns)
    adata.obs["obs_id"] = adata.obs.index
    adata.obs["dataset"] = i = None
    adata.var = adata.var.filter(var_columns)
    adata.var["var_id"] = adata.var.index = None
    drop_raw_var_columns = adata.raw.var.columns.difference(var_raw_columns)
    adata.raw.var.drop(columns=drop_raw_var_columns, inplace=True)
    adata.raw.var["var_id"] = adata.raw.var.index = None

Create the array store

Ingest the AnnData objects. This saves the AnnData objects in one array store, creates Artifact and saves it. This function also writes current run.uid to tiledbsoma.Experiment obs, under lamin_run_uid.

soma_artifact = ln.integrations.save_tiledbsoma_experiment(
    description="tiledbsoma experiment",
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/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.14/x64/lib/python3.10/ FutureWarning: SparseDataset is deprecated and will be removed in late 2024. It has been replaced by the public classes CSRDataset and CSCDataset.

For instance checks, use `isinstance(X, (anndata.experimental.CSRDataset, anndata.experimental.CSCDataset))` instead.

For creation, use `anndata.experimental.sparse_dataset(X)` instead.

  return _abc_instancecheck(cls, instance)
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.14/x64/lib/python3.10/ FutureWarning: SparseDataset is deprecated and will be removed in late 2024. It has been replaced by the public classes CSRDataset and CSCDataset.

For instance checks, use `isinstance(X, (anndata.experimental.CSRDataset, anndata.experimental.CSCDataset))` instead.

For creation, use `anndata.experimental.sparse_dataset(X)` instead.

  return _abc_instancecheck(cls, instance)

Query the array store

Open and query the experiment. We can use the registered Artifact. We query X and obs from the array store.

with as soma_store:
    obs = soma_store["obs"]
    ms_rna = soma_store["ms"]["RNA"]
    n_obs = len(obs)
    n_var = len(ms_rna["var"])
    X = ms_rna["X"]["data"].read().coos((n_obs, n_var)).concat().to_scipy()
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      soma_joinid                                          cell_type  \
0               0                                     dendritic cell   
1               1                              B cell, CD19-positive   
2               2                                     dendritic cell   
3               3                              B cell, CD19-positive   
4               4  effector memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cel...   
...           ...                                                ...   
1713         1713  naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta ...   
1714         1714  naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta ...   
1715         1715  naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta ...   
1716         1716             CD8-positive, alpha-beta memory T cell   
1717         1717  naive thymus-derived CD4-positive, alpha-beta ...   

                             obs_id  dataset         lamin_run_uid  
0                  GCAGGGCTGGATTC-1        0  Yg5Zm4wPdrnzP1ef5Ih9  
1                  CTTTAGTGGTTACG-6        0  Yg5Zm4wPdrnzP1ef5Ih9  
2                  TGACTGGAACCATG-7        0  Yg5Zm4wPdrnzP1ef5Ih9  
3                  TCAATCACCCTTCG-8        0  Yg5Zm4wPdrnzP1ef5Ih9  
4                  CGTTATACAGTACC-8        0  Yg5Zm4wPdrnzP1ef5Ih9  
...                             ...      ...                   ...  
1713  Pan_T7991594_CTCACACTCCAGGGCT        1  Yg5Zm4wPdrnzP1ef5Ih9  
1714  Pan_T7980358_CGAGCACAGAAGATTC        1  Yg5Zm4wPdrnzP1ef5Ih9  
1715    CZINY-0064_AGACCATCACGCTGCA        1  Yg5Zm4wPdrnzP1ef5Ih9  
1716    CZINY-0050_TCGATTTAGATGTTGA        1  Yg5Zm4wPdrnzP1ef5Ih9  
1717    CZINY-0064_AGTGTTGTCCGAGCTG        1  Yg5Zm4wPdrnzP1ef5Ih9  

[1718 rows x 5 columns]

Update the array store

Calculate PCA from the queried X.

pca_array = sc.pp.pca(X, n_comps=2)
Artifact(uid='AWINWhG9q644h6yW0000', is_latest=True, description='tiledbsoma experiment', key='.lamindb/AWINWhG9q644h6yW.tiledbsoma', suffix='.tiledbsoma', size=15056697, hash='rIk7dd-UCmiCg1E1AFRfzg', n_objects=149, _hash_type='md5-d', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=False, created_by_id=1, storage_id=1, transform_id=6, run_id=6, updated_at='2024-08-28 16:10:05 UTC')

Open the array store in write mode and add PCA. When the store is updated, the corresponding artifact also gets updated with a new version.

with"w") as soma_store:
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! The hash of the tiledbsoma store has changed, creating a new version of the artifact.
! artifact version None will _update_ the state of folder /home/runner/work/lamin-usecases/lamin-usecases/docs/test-scrna/.lamindb/AWINWhG9q644h6yW.tiledbsoma - to _retain_ the old state by duplicating the entire folder, do _not_ pass `revises`
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.10.14/x64/lib/python3.10/ FutureWarning: SparseDataset is deprecated and will be removed in late 2024. It has been replaced by the public classes CSRDataset and CSCDataset.

For instance checks, use `isinstance(X, (anndata.experimental.CSRDataset, anndata.experimental.CSCDataset))` instead.

For creation, use `anndata.experimental.sparse_dataset(X)` instead.

  return _abc_instancecheck(cls, instance)

Note that the artifact has been changed.

Artifact(uid='AWINWhG9q644h6yW0001', is_latest=True, description='tiledbsoma experiment', key='.lamindb/AWINWhG9q644h6yW.tiledbsoma', suffix='.tiledbsoma', size=15077139, hash='gyj3TsDYppWywolUJCrosQ', n_objects=158, _hash_type='md5-d', visibility=1, _key_is_virtual=False, created_by_id=1, storage_id=1, transform_id=6, run_id=6, updated_at='2024-08-28 16:10:06 UTC')